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Historically We Do this and catch most of what we need...

The VAMŽ allows you to hear yourself 10x's better, and keep you in tune and on pitch!

The VAMŽ is your own Private P.A. and allows you to hear yourself 10x's better because it works in capturing your full voice as it hits the mouth piece of the VAMŽ and travels up to your ear instantly. It is as clear as if you were in the studio wearing headphones. You will not believe how CRISP, CLEAR, and FRESH your voice will sound. Get the confidence you deserve by getting a VAMŽ for yourself today!

The VAMŽ is virtually unbreakable and can be taken anywhere - On stage, in the studio, or in the corner as your bandmates work on music for the masterpieces you sing! Having your own personal non-electric P.A. means you can learn to sing on pitch, loud and clear, without others hearing you practice.

The VAMŽ is a Swiss Army Knife for the Voice as it benefits the vocalist in many way and in many environments.
Please click on the images below to see it in use,
or click on the text below the pictures to see it in the specific enviornment!

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  • VAMŽ allows you to hear yourself as others hear you.

  • VAMŽ users can sing to themselves without others around hearing.

  • VAMŽ users can play acoustic or amplified instruments and hear them loud and clear without a microphone.

  • VAMŽ used with a microphone can be used live or in practice with or without external monitors.

  • VAMŽ captures the true qualities of the voice and delivers it to the ear simultaneously.

  • VAMŽ promotes Zero Feedback to the microphone.

  • VAMŽ used with Microphone feeds back less by blocking external frequencies.

  • VAMŽ used with a microphone feeds back less, because less microphone volume is needed to compensate for poor monitors.

  • VAMŽ protects the ear by blocking external noises.

  • VAMŽ helps you sing better and faster allowing you to hear your vocal pitch.

  • VAMŽ promotes better health and better singing qualities.

  • VAMŽ protects the voice from overstraining.

  • VAMŽ can be used anywhere you want in order to better hear yourself.

  • VAMŽ is great during practice or in a studio to practice.

  • VAMŽ has an integrated attachment for microphone stands, for use as hands-free without a microphone.

  • VAMŽ has an integrated hole for the threaded portion of virtually any microphone.

  • VAMŽ integrates to the microphone on or off the microphone stand.

  • VAMŽ builds confidence to the artist.

  • VAMŽ comes in various colors to suit a wide range of taste, clear, black carbon Fiber, Wood Burl and Red Carbon Fiber. Clear units may be painted a color of choice by the owner.

  • VAMŽ can be used for choir practice.

  • VAMŽ can be used for the oratory professional.

  • VAMŽ can be used for Speech Pathology.

  • VAMŽ can be used for practice on the road.

  • VAMŽ can be used to maintain a perfect pitch.


Promote more than one voice! Everyone loves listening to songs with harmonies. VAMŽ promotes band mates who never had, never thought about, or even considered purchasing there own vocal P.A. system to practice at home or in the studio. Why? Because it costs a lot of money and usally a drummer, keyboardist, or guitarist do not think they can sing anyway so why bother! The VAMŽ solves this issue. The drummer, singer, guitarist, or pianist can reward themselves with a VAMŽ and finally hear for themselves what the world has been missing...Another Awesome Voice!

What is an incredible aspect of the VAMŽ, is that you can take the same monitoring performance you love at home to practice and to the stage. Its always the same monitoring. No more mics turned up until they feedback, no more dealing with old useless monitors. if you have a good monitor, use VAMŽ and your good floor monitors together, the more sound the better. Have you ever seen a lead singer with one foot on top of a floor monitor leaning over and singing like a rock star? Part of it is for show; but mostly so they can get as close to the floor monitor as possible to hear themselves. The VAMŽ integrates to the mic so no matter where you are on stage, your monitor is on the mic ready for you to sing and catch your voice.


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